But I can't find it possible. I don't feel strong enough . I sure did a pretty big step though. I've changed school and i feel very happy now... I'm making new friends. I've started to trust people and thats very important.I hope all the year will continue like this...

Life is like this. When we want to change it we need to take little steps. Changing environments is always challenging. It boosts our confidence when the first impression is positive and we want to keep things that way. Because living in a positive and enjoyable environment, people can take time to think out of the box. They spend their time falling in love enjoying little things like a walk in he park, laughing, smiling, talking, reading, socializing. All this little steps, I just mentioned are all together what we call a healthy living...
tell me about your new school and your old friends... curious to know your first impression in detail.
the professors? the boyzz?
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