I changed school i made new friends, everyday i try to change... But i can't. I always stay in the same, in the same place, the same dark place from which i can't find the exit.
I feel sad alone...i can't find hope.I don't know what i want anymore. I'm loosing my family I'm loosing my self..i hate me. i wish i was dead... I know what I'm saying you may find it stupid... But i believe in every single word i say..
When do you get the feeling of loneliness? This phase of your life is very critical and requires a lot of attention. Making new friends and changing environment should be an opportunity to explore new things. To fall in love, to stay out late, to get drunk, to kiss somebody, to laugh so hard that you can't breath anymore.
Death on the other hand is something you might need to reconsider :-)
A girl at your age should be
loving nature
loving tv shows
loving making fun of herself
loving boys
loving sports
loving being lazy
loving the internet
loving her friends
loving her family
loving TV shows
loving being a fool
loving jokes
loving herself
loving all the above
simply because you are too young to do otherwise...
Did you received the package yet?
I love you Vicky mou
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